BC Poultry Conference 2017

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Denbow Blog

Here at Denbow we know that business can be fun and it can be challenging. Our Journal is designed to help you find articles, tips, and other interesting things we do that might help you in your business. We hope you find one of our journals insightful and helpful.

Have a great day and Enjoy!

Last week we were proud to meet many of our clients and industry partners at the BC Poultry Conference.  This second annual conference for the poultry industry combines seminars, networking and AGM's for members of the BC Egg Marketing Board, BC Chicken Growers Association, BC Hatching Egg Producers Association and BC Turkey Association into one location.

Our gift of Denbow umbrellas for delegates were perfect in the rainy weather.  Involved in the poultry industry?  Didn't get an umbrella the conference? We'd love to meet for coffee and get you covered with a Denbow umbrella... just give us a shout!