Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you - Leadership

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Denbow Blog

Here at Denbow we know that business can be fun and it can be challenging. Our Journal is designed to help you find articles, tips, and other interesting things we do that might help you in your business. We hope you find one of our journals insightful and helpful.

Have a great day and Enjoy!

"Never be so foolish as not to surround yourself with people who are smarter than you" - Andrew Carnegie


In the quote, Andrew Carnegie, the wealthy industrialist, shared with us one of his reasons for success.  I took careful note of this wise instruction for most of my years in business. I relied heavily on skills of others that surpassed my own. What I had not realized was the synergy available when these people were assembled into a purposeful team.   Admittedly building a strong executive team is not something one should do in a hurry or without careful considerations. All this takes time.

except from Denbow's President, Bill Boesterd's book, The Wonder of Trust

We strive to grow and develop leaders at Denbow.  Watch our blog for regular bi-weekly leadership topics we're learning.