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Chicken Growers Golfing for Canuck Place

Written by Willetta Les | Jul 5, 2016 6:09:59 PM

The day finally arrived for the 1st Annual Charity Golf Tournament  put on by a great team from the BC Hatching Eggs and BC Chicken Growers associations.   On this day, the weather forecast  was not looking very co-operative for us fair-weather golfers!   But, with great attitudes, regardless of the rain storms that erupted from time to time, over 130 golfers took part in this event with the ambition to raise as much money as possible for Canuck Place Children’s Hospice.

The happy recipients and the chairs of both associations, Bryan Brandsma and Dale Krahn

We had the privilege to enjoy some great moments on the Chilliwack Golf & Country Club course involving missed swings, downpours, lost golf balls and all kinds of fun with our clients and other allied trades.

Together over $40,000 was raised for Canuck Place - exceptional for a first annual event!!  Thank you to all who participated and sponsored to make this event successful!